Mary M. Eshaghian-Wilner
California South University
Mary Mehrnoosh Eshaghian-Wilner has over 26 years of research experience in various areas within the field of Computer Engineering. Additionally, she has worked in the area of patent law for several years. She has published numerous scientific papers, including two books, and has handled the prosecution and infringement analysis of many complex U.S. and international patents. She is currently is a Professor of Engineering Practice at the Electrical Engineering-Systems Department at the University of Southern California (USC), and since 2004 has been an Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Prior to joining UCLA, she was a tenured full Professor and Department Head at the Computer Engineering Department of Rochester Institute of Technology. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Engineering (1988) from USC. She holds a J.D. degree from the Northwestern California School of Law, and has graduated Cum Laude with an LL.M. degree from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law. She is admitted to the State Bar of California and the Washington, D.C. Bar, and is registered as a Patent Attorney with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. She is best known for her pioneering contributions to three areas of Optical Computing, Heterogeneous Computing, and Nanoscale Computing. In the area of Optical Computing, she produced one of the first theses that dealt with the computational aspects of optical interconnects for VLSI chips. The OMC model was developed by she as part of her Ph.D. work, and since then, many architectures and algorithms have been designed by on that model.
Research Interest
Mary Mehrnoosh Eshaghian-Wilner is best known for her pioneering contributions to three areas of Optical Computing, Heterogeneous Computing, and Nano scale Computing. In the area of Optical Computing, she produced one of the first theses that dealt with the computational aspects of optical interconnects for VLSI chips.