Jean-Paul (Moshe) Lellouche
Bar-Ilan University
Prof./Dr. Jean-Paul Lellouche (1981 PhD degree/education in Organic Chemistry field, University La Doua, Lyon - France) moved in October 2000 to the Bar-Ilan University (Ramat-Gan, Israel) - Department of Chemistry & Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials as a Full Professor in synthetic Organic Chemistry/Nano(bio)technology (July 2008) & recent Dpt Head (Oct 2017-July 2018). His main current R&D activities concern nanomaterials engineering science (magnetic/non-magnetic drug/siRNA & microRNA delivery systems, theranostic nanoparticles for human therapy). He authored 155 peer-reviewed scientific papers (2,528 citations), 15 patents, and 4 book chapters together with a recent start-up creation activity (January 2019 – NANODROPs project).
Research Interest
His main current R&D activities concern nanomaterials engineering science (magnetic/non-magnetic drug/siRNA & microRNA delivery systems, theranostic nanoparticles for human therapy)