Day :
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | Nano Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Nanochemistry Applications | Organic Materials in Nanochemistry
Location: Paris, France
Session Introduction
Umer Aziz
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Pakistan
Title: Hierarchically porous manganese based metal-organic-framework for potential battery-supercapacitor applications

Umer Aziz is graduated from Islamia College University, Peshawar with a field of interest in Physics and material science. He is currently expertise in Applied Physics at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute, Pakistan. His past research has focused on Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics and currently studying different nanomaterials for hybrid supercapacitors applications. He is currently interested in perusing his PhD in the area of batteries and supercapacitors. After completion of the program, he aspires to work as a researcher in the industry.Umer Aziz is graduated from Islamia College University, Peshawar with a field of interest in Physics and material science. He is currently expertise in Applied Physics at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute, Pakistan. His past research has focused on Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics and currently studying different nanomaterials for hybrid supercapacitors applications. He is currently interested in perusing his PhD in the area of batteries and supercapacitors. After completion of the program, he aspires to work as a researcher in the industry.
The application of nontoxic Metal-Organic-Frameworks (MOFs) has recently obtained ground in batteries, hybrid supercapacitor and water splitting. Here, we prepared unprecedented Manganese based MOF (Trimesic acid used as linker) via hydrothermal approach to scrutinize their electrochemical properties. A three electrode setup was developed in which the Mn MOF revealed remarkable specific capacity of 1569.24 C g-1 at 3.6 A g-1 with long lasting capacity retention. Furthermore, a hybrid device was fabricated in such a way that the Mn MOF and activated carbon was functionalized as positive and negative electrodes, respectively. The constructed Mn MOF//AC device attained exceptional specific capacity, energy and power are 248.3 C/g, 60 Wh kg-1 and 2550 W kg-1, correspondingly. After 1000 galvanostatic cycles, the hybrid device results in outstanding cycling stability of 98.57% and coulombic efficiency of 96.97%. The nature of the device was validated through the Power’s law and Dunn’s model. Due to its electrochemical properties, Mn MOF//AC is a promising choice for battery-supercapacitor devices in portable electronics.
Victor Girard
University of Lorraine, France
Title: Spruce and beech sawmill waste as a source of nanolignin

Victor Girard began his PhD in 2021 at the University of Lorraine within the LERMAB after obtaining an ENSTIB engineering degree specializing in biorefining. The theme of his research is the extraction and valorization of nanolignins by coupling organosolv process and steam explosion.
Wood processing produces large amount of residues such as barks, shavings, sawdust, chips. For instance, to produce 1 m3 of sawn timber, 1.7 to 2 m3 of log are required, generating nearly 50% of waste. The valorization of 1 m3 of a log by sawing produces then about 8-10% ok barks, 10-13% of sawdust and 20-30% of other wood chips (data for beech and spruce). Pulping and wood energy are the main outlet for these wastes, while many other valorization possibilities could be envisaged. Wood is a lignocellulosic material mainly composed of three polymeric fractions, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, which are highly entangled. As much as cellulose and hemicelluloses are well valorized today, lignin remains completely under-valued (thermal valorization). Thanks to its aromatic structure, lignin has many properties (biocide, antioxidant, UV-light blocker) which could be useful in technical applications. One of the ways of valorization of lignin still poorly explored is the production of nanolignins. Usually, the usefulness of nanoparticles lies in their size (<100 nm), which provides them a high surface reactivity as well as physic and chemical properties that the materials would not have at a macroscopic scale. Nanoparticles are nowadays intentionally incorporated in many consumer- products as for example sunscreens, toothpastes as well as in electronic devices and new medicinal treatments. The two goals of this work are to optimize a green extraction process of macrolignin from wood waste and then to optimize nanolignin production from lignin for a future valorization in both pharmaceutical and cosmetics applications.
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Session Introduction
Seongwoo Woo
Ethiopian Technical University, Ethiopia
Title: Improving the reliability design of mechanical systems such as refrigerator

Woo has a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering and he has obtained PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M. He majors in energy system such as HVAC and its heat transfer, optimal design and control of refrigerator, reliability design of thermal components and failure Analysis of thermal components in marketplace using the Non-destructive such as SEM & XRAY. In 1992.03–1997 he worked in Agency for Defense Development, Chinhae, South Korea, where he has researcher in charge of Development of Naval weapon System. He was working as a Senior Reliability Engineer in Refrigerator Division, Digital Appliance, SAMSUNG Electronics. Now he is working as associate professor in mechanical department, Ethiopian Technical University.
To enhance the lifetime of mechanical system such as automobile, new reliability methodology–parametric Accelerated Life Testing (ALT)–suggests to produce the Reliability Quantitative (RQ) specifications—mission cycle—for identifying the design defects and modifying them. It incorporates: (1) a parametric ALT plan formed on system BX lifetime that will be X percent of the cumulated failure, (2) a load examination for ALT, (3) a customized parametric ALTs with the design alternatives and (4) an assessment if the system design(s) fulfil the objective BX lifetime. So we suggest a BX life concept, Life-Stress (LS) model with a new effort idea, accelerated factor and sample size equation. This new parametric ALT should help an engineer to discover the missing design parameters of the mechanical system influencing reliability in the design process. As the improper designs are experimentally identified, the mechanical system can recognize the reliability as computed by the growth in lifetime, LB and the decrease in failure rate. Consequently, companies can escape recalls due to the product failures from the marketplace. As an experiment instance, two cases were investigated: 1) problematic reciprocating compressors in the French-door refrigerators returned from the marketplace and 2) the redesign of Hinge Kit System (HKS) in a domestic refrigerator. After a customized parametric ALT, the mechanical systems such as compressor and HKS with design alternatives were anticipated to fulfill the lifetime–B1 life 10 year.